Tim's Biography

I am a worm and no man. These are my truest opinions about myself, no matter how much false humility one may assume. Many ask, "Who are you, what are your credentials?" Well, my credentials are, "Thus saith the Lord as expounded by Luther."

But, the fact is, man does look on the outward appearance; so, here is some sort of a biography.

I was:

Raised in a Baptist Church; graduated from Bob Jones University; completed over 60 graduate hours in the M.Div. program from BJU; tried to start a church once or twice; traveled across the Protestant spectrum until I found the truth in the LC-MS.

Excommunicated from this LCMS church after I was given a firm grasp of Walther and Luther. Think what you want, this was thrust upon me. My family never were confronted in person regarding our sin of loving Luther over and above their licentiousness.

Married in 1976 and have subsequently raised five children, all of whom have "converted" with me to the truth of the Gospel according to Luther. My wife and I have some rental property provided by our Lord so that, in my opinion, I can afford to read, study, write and disseminate Luther.

Granted a degree in English/El.Ed and taught for a two years; granted a M.A. degree in counseling psychology and counseled within the Luther church for three years.

I am absolutely committed to the writings of one, Martin Luther, primarily because he best explains Scripture, and in part as a protest vote for the flex-Scriptures we have today where anyone and everyone is an expositor of Scripture and entitled to his and her own (unfortunate) opinion.

We have, effectively, lost all friends and extended family because of our stand for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints. It seems no one understands that faith/doctrine is cruel and unyielding. Instead, most want to make love the vanguard of the church. No one seems to understand that everything, including love, is deeply imbedded in faith. It seems that no one understands that belief is more important that faith and works. Why? Because it seems that everyone wants some excuse to not have to submit to anything other than his or her own opinions and vain philosophy.

Timothy Vance

September 10, 2000